Pidro went to McDonald's Restaurant and queued in line like everyone else who
wanted to order.
When it was his turn to order, he said, "I would like to order one McAdobo Value Meal." Puzzled, the cashier said, "Sir, there is no McAdobo on our menu." Sure and certain, Pidro said, "Oh come on, there is McAdobo. That is why I came all the way here to order it. I demand I talk to your manager."
The cashier called the manager. The manager said, "Sorry, sir, you have been mistaken. We do not serve McAdobo in any of our McDonald's branches." "But I heard it in your radio ads," insisted Pidro, "You do have McAdobo." And the manager asked, "Really? Which one?"
Seriously, Pidro said, "It is the one that goes 'McAdobo-dobo-cheese-cheese-burger-burger please.'"
(Um, That was a McDouble Cheese Burger, not McAdobo, dahlin.)
:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!"--John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What!")
When it was his turn to order, he said, "I would like to order one McAdobo Value Meal." Puzzled, the cashier said, "Sir, there is no McAdobo on our menu." Sure and certain, Pidro said, "Oh come on, there is McAdobo. That is why I came all the way here to order it. I demand I talk to your manager."
The cashier called the manager. The manager said, "Sorry, sir, you have been mistaken. We do not serve McAdobo in any of our McDonald's branches." "But I heard it in your radio ads," insisted Pidro, "You do have McAdobo." And the manager asked, "Really? Which one?"
Seriously, Pidro said, "It is the one that goes 'McAdobo-dobo-cheese-cheese-burger-burger please.'"
(Um, That was a McDouble Cheese Burger, not McAdobo, dahlin.)
:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!"--John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What!")