Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Let’s Say It is Your Funeral...

A preacher man gathered his flock and said, "Let's say it is your funeral. People start paying respects at your deceased body. With your body in your coffin, what would you like to hear them say to you on that day?"

Three men answered this question.

The first one said, "I would like to hear them say that I have been a good family man."

The second one said, "I would like to hear them say that I have helped a lot of people."


The third one said... "I would like to hear them say, 'Look, everyone! I think he's moving!'"

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!"--John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What!")

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ever Wondered...

illustrated by Dominique Liongson
Ever wondered why...

* Pope John Paul II wasn't succeeded by Pope George Ringo II? (reference: The Beatles)




* index is to indices and appendix is to appendices, but kleenex is not to kleenices? (reference: Kleenex Tissues)



* luke is to lukewarm, but there are no matthewwarm, markwarm, nor johnwarm? (reference: New Testament Bible)




* goose is to geese but not moose is to meese?




* a vegetarian eats vegetables, but a humanitarian doesn't eat humans?

:-( -> :-| -> :-)

"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!" --John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What!")