Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nena and the Singing Telegram

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

Nena was a very happy lady. She had a yummy boyfriend and a lot of money. One day, she received a knock on her door. She opened the door, and saw a man from the telegram company. The clerk said, "Hello. I have a singing telegram for you. Before I begin, may I ask you a few questions?" Nena agreed. The telegram man asked, "What is your favorite type of music?" She answered. "Rock music." He asked, "Who is your favorite singer?" She answered, "Michael Jackson."


The clerk gave this some thought, and sang (to the tune of Michael Jackson's "Thriller"): "Neh-nah, Neh-eh-nah! Patay ang boyfriend mo. (Your boyfriend died). Ubos ang pera mo. (You ran out of money)..." 

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!" --John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What")

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Newspaper Cartoon #1

illustrated by Dominique Liongson

Recalled from a newspaper cartoon:
(Scene: A house having a garage sale as seen by the turtle and the squirrel.)

Squirrel: What's going on in that house?

Turtle: They are having a garage sale.

S: Who would want to buy a garage?

T: That's not it. They sell things inside the garage. 

S: You mean they sell cars?

T: No. They sell things they don't need anymore.

S: You mean they sell old people? (and he talks to a raccoon.) Hey, Raccoon, they are selling old people in a garage sale. Aren't they mean?

T: (frustrated about the squirrel who didn't get it) Gnng-gnng-gnng.....

Silly old squirrel! 

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!" --John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What")

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

After Church One Sunday

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

After church one Sunday morning,

Mother said, "The choir was terrible; the singers sang out of tune."

Father said, "The sermon was longer than I expected it to be."

And their 8-year-old Daughter said...


"I am not complaining. I admit it is a pretty good show for a dollar."

(Um, the dollar was a donation. It was not the admission fee for a show, dahlin.)

:-( -> :-| -> :-)
"Take a tip from nature-- your ears are not made to shut, but your mouth is!" --John Mason (from the book "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: How to Succeed No Matter What")